Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My own body is betraying me!!!!!

Okay, so last night on the way home from my class, my body was SCREAMING at me to stop and get a Jamba Juice. It was almost 10:00, so I would have to break 2 rules..... So, I stepped on the gas and turned up the music so I couldn't hear my stomach crying....... This is going to be interesting!!!!! :-)


  1. Good for you. What rule beside eating after 8 would that be? I wouldn't consider Jamba Juice bad fast food. Would it be sweets?

  2. yay!! good job Neely!!! Jimmy was actually asking me the same question about Jamba Juice.... I wonder if we can look it up online. I would've considered it a sweet, but they may have some healthy ones...
